Timeless by Nita Kuehn

We find that some things in our lives transcend time.

I just returned from my 50+ high school class reunion which was held in Sacramento, CA.  While it was not the city in which we graduated, it was the city the committee chose for reasons of cost and convenience.

Awesome!  I had graduated from a Lutheran Teacher’s College and my first teaching assignment was at a church in Sacramento.  It was also where I met and married my wonderful husband, John.  We were both youth counselors at the church and they had asked me to move up to the Sr. High group and help “temper” Mr. Kuehn.  HA!  I’ve been doing that ever since.  Attending this reunion was our 50thanniversary gift to ourselves – as we had never been back to Sacramento since the year of our wedding.

We visited Lucerne – the town I grew up in – and the church my father pastored was still there, but with a new paint job.  Wow! It was a lot smaller than I had remembered, but the huge lake which it overlooked was still stunningly beautiful.

The next day we went out to find the apartment complexes that John and I had lived in while in Sacramento.  They both had new names and upscale landscaping but the atmosphere of young people getting their start in life was much the same.

On Sunday we had the privilege of visiting the church where I taught and where John and I were married. I taught and in which John and I were married.  As we entered the church, the very first person who greeted us was a tiny little lady named Marge – our MATCHMAKER!  What a divine appointment!  After church, we shared lunch and laughed a lot while reliving our many fun memories.  Our friendship has definitely transcended time.

Certainly, reconnecting with my high school friends was a blast!  We all attended the Lutheran teacher prep boarding school so we had literally grown up together. Needless to say, many stories and much laughter rang through those halls as we shared.

Much like the places John and I revisited, some of us have needed new paint and a few renovations.   Others of us have new names, but the bond of great memories and much love as we learned how to do life together remained. The relationships we have are timeless.

I am reminded of St. Paul, who closed many of his letters with loving words for the friends he had established while ministering in the various cities.  His life was represented by relationships that transcended time and distance.

What timeless relationships have you established?  Value them. Nurture them.  

If your past looks more like a field of exploded land mines – know that it is never too late.  We cannot undo the past; however, we can with God’s help, we can start afresh to finish our race well.

  Pray.  Forgive. Get help.  Attend a class or life group that can assist you in healing from wounds of the past or one that can help you establish new, healthy life patterns, and relationships.  God’s mercies are new every morning and it is His desire for us to live in loving relationships with HIM AND OTHERS.  On this earth, those are truly the only things of great value that are timeless.  


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Celia Valderas

    Good morning! NITA, Beautiful said that is very true that we have to value our memories.. that we spend with me my mother, and children, grandchildren, and other members of my family and friends. Happy Anniversary! To you and John and may the good Lord bless you with many more.. love you my sister and brother in Christ, Celia, 😊🙋‍♀️❤

  2. Jay & Maria Akridge

    Beautiful ❤

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