Trauma – An Unfinished Story by Nita Kuehn

All of us have experienced traumas in our life. Many of them have had a lasting impact; they have become filters through which we see life – and often, we don’t even realize it.

The power they have comes from how we interpreted the impact of the event or season. Unfortunately, we have often allowed the enemy to do the interpreting, causing us to go into depression, hopelessness, anger, or despair. After all, that is his job: To steal, kill, and destroy.

Let me give you some very common examples:

  • Got fired – I’ll never be able to get another good job! I’m a failure!
  • Betrayal – How could I ever trust anyone again?
  • Failed a class – I am so stupid, I can’t ever do anything right.
  • Loss of a loved one – Life is not worth living without them.
  • Rape – I am used merchandise. No one could ever love me.

The list could go on and on, but I am sure you have already gotten the point. We have allowed the voice of the enemy to forecast defeat, and we listened!

I recently read an article by Michael Sullivant, founder of Life Model Works. He took this very complex issue and stated the solution beautifully:

“Traumas are unfinished stories that Jesus wants to re-tell from His redemptive vantage point… attuning to His heart and mind is the primary key to receiving His authorized, revised version of our story.”

In other words, He wants us to ask Him to interpret the outcome through His eyes.

We cannot change the event or the season we went through; He did not cause the traumas we experienced, but when we allow Him to re-tell the story, we open doors to the future we had never imagined.

So how do we do that?

  • First, we must accept God’s Word as truth – not the evidence.
  • Believe that when He says, “All things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose,” He means ALL things!
  • Don’t try to figure out how it could possibly work out for good in your own understanding. (His ways are higher.)
  • ASK: “Lord, would you speak your truth to me? Help me to see this through your eyes.” Be willing to gain a new perspective.
  • Then LISTEN. If what you hear is hope-filled and agrees with God’s good character, it is likely Him re-telling your story. If, on the other hand, it sounds condemning or discouraging, bind up that voice and ask again.
  • Hold on to what you receive (a picture, a thought, an impression) and realize that God often reveals things in part – more will come. (For Joseph, it took years to unfold the reason he was thrown in a pit and sold as a slave to the Egyptians.) Just don’t give up.
  • Then TRUST that He will finish your story well. Refuse the enemy’s predictions.

Yes, my friends, this takes practice. But allowing Him to re-tell your story is so much better than the alternative! We have practiced that long enough!!!

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