Waiting in Winter by Denice Mitchell

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither.”  Psalm 1:30

Winter has never been my favorite season. The appearance of life is absent, and all looks barren.  Growing up on a farm, it was the time of empty fields, nothing but dirt and dead grass for as far as the eye could see. I am fully aware it is just a season that has its purpose and will give way to Spring, just as God has designed it.

This year I have found myself feeling more like the view out my window.

Clearly a West Texas winter scene with the broken, beaten down and lifeless looking trees and grass. In this winter season, I have cried out to God in prayer pouring out my heart. I have laid many questions at His feet, seeking answers to soothe my anxious soul. With sincere desire I have asked:

“Am I accomplishing anything?

Am I on the right track?

Why do I FEEL so unable?

Why is there no visible fruit?

Is there something I am missing?”

As I continued to peer out my window, it dawned on me that there is no visible fruit in nature during the winter season. I was reminded that the winter season is a time of rest, clearing, pruning, cutting back, turning over and getting things ready for Spring. Winter is a time of preparation, the season that makes it possible for creation to bring forth new growth.

God’s Word tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1, that there is a time and season for everything under heaven. For each one of us there will be seasons of rest (feeling unproductive), taking inventory (getting rid of things we no longer need), asking hard questions (turning over the soil of our hearts to receive new seeds) and just waiting. I have come to realize that I have never done the things on this list for the “winter season” well.

But, seeking brings assurance and God has reminded me that it has not been an unproductive time, just uncomfortable. Like a tree planted by streams of water, I too will bear much fruit in due season.  If you find yourself sitting in a time of winter spiritually, take heart, Spring is on the way!!

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