When a Hurricane Hits Your Family by Keeley Schafer

On July 8, 2024, Hurricane Beryl whirled its way through the Gulf of Mexico and made landfall close to my home in Houston, Texas. With it being a Category 1 storm, we thought we had nothing to worry about. Boy, were we wrong.

Severe winds of 80 mph pelted our home for hours and knocked out our power for nine days. A neighbor’s huge tree narrowly missed hitting our home and vehicles. We lost all of the contents of our refrigerator and our business was closed for an entire week due to the power outage.

This hurricane was a wakeup call and there are some great insights I saw when it comes to parenting.

We were not prepared

Things could have been so much easier if we had a generator. At least we could have powered the majority of our home. We didn’t have a chainsaw to help our neighbors cut trees and limbs away from their cars and entry points to their homes. We didn’t have enough canned and dry goods to help us through not having refrigerated food.

When it comes to raising our children, we must also be prepared. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We don’t have to be in fear, but we do need to have our radars up knowing he’ll do his best to form a destructive plan and aim it right towards our kids. We have to be prayed up and ready in order to stand firm in the day of adversity. Don’t be caught unaware!

Communication was down

I think one of the most frustrating things about the hurricane and power outage was not having cell phone or internet service. We’d receive texts from people asking how we were, but our replies were hit and miss. It was very lonely being isolated from the world.

Parents, there may be times when you feel that same sense of loneliness as you batten down the hatches through a family storm. Deuteronomy 31:8 says “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you”. We can always find comfort in our Heavenly Father’s arms even when the fiercest winds blow.

Community was our lifeline

Our church outreach team was scrambling to get generators into the hands of some of our families. My husband delivered one to a member near our home. Then it dawned on me. “Hey, we need a generator too.” We never even thought to ask for help. By the time we received a generator, all our food had been lost. After three days in an 85 degree house and sleepless nights, we decided to accept the request from one of our church friends to stay at their home. We had been prideful and thought we could handle it, but we had come to the end of ourselves.

Moms and dads, there are times, when you just have to say, “I need help.” God has positioned people to be a resource and a blessing in your time of need. We wish we had asked sooner during the aftermath of the hurricane.

When the enemy tries to stir up a hurricane against your family, God will equip you with the resources, wisdom AND community to insulate you from harm. No weapon formed against you or your children shall prosper!

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