WooHoo! By Nita Kuehn

Galatians 6:7-9 tells us that we reap what we sow, and to not get weary in well doing.  Well, yesterday our harvest came in!

For decades we loaded up our three Lubbock kiddoes and headed for Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Wichita Falls for every holiday and special occasion.  While there, John and I would mow, paint, plumb, can, or whatever else was necessary to help make life easier for John’s folks.  As our children grew older, they also pitched in.  It was tradition!

John’s parents have both gone on to their heavenly home and now John and I are the grandparents.

Yesterday we celebrated my son Michael’s birthday.  Yep – it is in December.  Mike always felt that he somehow got the short end of the stick because everyone was always focused on Christmas, so we have tried to make it very special.

He requested his favorite meal:  Baked chicken; Stove Top dressing, gravy, homemade rolls, etc.  Yum!  (Yes, this is his request even though it is the week after Thanksgiving.)

After the cake and presents were done, was when the “Woohoo!” came in.  Our kids and grandkids decided it was time to help Mama and Papa.  My son-in-law went to our bedroom to fix the light on our fan; Mike went out to the garage to fix my ailing garage door; and Tim took all the grandkids up on the roof to install our Christmas lights.  Our harvest was coming in!

Today everything is working beautifully and we are enjoying the fruit of their labor.

You see, making all those four hour trips to Wichita Falls was definitely not easy or convenient, but it was honoring our parents in a way that was very helpful to them.  And God honors that!

Traditionally, sowing good seed was a very hard job.  God never said it would be easy, but His Word never fails.  He will fulfill that which He has promised.

What kind of seeds are you sowing today?  Are they ones you want to see multiplied and coming back to you?  If not, it is not too late to change your brand of seed.  We must remember that our words and our actions are the seeds we sow and they are the kind of harvest that will come back to us.  Proverbs 12, 15, and 18 all include a verse that says we will eat the fruit of our mouth.

So what will our crop look like?  We must think before we speak because our tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21)

Personally, I want to plant seeds that will bear good fruit and bring forth life!  I pray you do too.

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