Clear Vision by Nita Kuehn

I was so surprised!  I was driving down the street and realized that I could read the street signs from a distance.  I could even see clearly three blocks down the street.  Some of you are thinking, “Well of course, everyone can” and others of you are thinking, “I wish I could!”

Two months ago I was definitely in the second category, but what I discovered through this experience was that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.  You see, I get my eyes checked regularly and they were about 20/30.  I thought that was pretty good for someone close to 80.  I just didn’t realize that things could be better.

Fortunately, my eye doctor was much wiser and became very insistent that I have the necessary surgery to correct my vision and change my perspective!

Fast forward.  After I was all healed up, I realized how true this experience was to many areas of life.  How often do we go around living a “20/30” life, simply because we do not realize that things could be better?  We don’t know what we don’t know!

We get stuck in our “normal” and often it takes someone like my doctor to open our eyes to the truth.  Perhaps for you it might be a friend, spouse, child, co-worker, pastor, or coach.

Unfortunately, at times, the fear of change – or the price we might need to personally pay – can keep us from being willing to make that change.  But, truthfully, the price of NOT making the change can be far more costly – we just don’t realize it at the time.

Rewind.  Remember, it was not until I actually went through the discomfort of change, that I actually experienced and realized the value of the price I paid to get that clear vision.  And it didn’t happen immediately.  My vision improved incrementally as the eyes healed from the procedure.

The truth is, I spend a great portion of my week helping individuals step away from their “20/30” vision (normal as they see it), and help them enter a world with clarity and God-orchestrated vision.  As with my recovery, it can be a process.  But the reward of seeing someone step into their God-given identity – realizing their potential – is unbelievably rewarding for them, for me, and for their loved ones.

Sometimes I feel like I am experiencing just a tiny touch of the great joy our Father in Heaven feels when He sees His children begin to operate in the Holy Spirit and with a new perspective and clear vision!

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