Three Hearts by Tina Gonzalez

(1 Thessalonians 5:23)

May the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your Spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As I stepped back and pondered this New Year of 2023, I took a quick inventory of 2022 and what this coming year would look like. I immediately bowed my head and asked the mighty Counselor to please join me. In so doing, much to my surprise, the Holy Spirit wanted to talk about my three hearts….. physical, mental, and spiritual.

Three Hearts

Not meant to be apart

Or can it Really be?

That what was meant for Him

Fell completely short

From glory and His great and perfect love

Conforming hardened parts that left me drifting away

Upstream without a paddle

No lifejacket, survival kit, or flare

No rescue vessel

No SMH (save my heart) to spare…….. But God!!

As the Lord went over my 3 hearts, my mind began to see the conversation unfold. I was able to see my three hearts as the Lord went over each one. The first heart I saw was my physical. It looked just like a red physical-beating heart with its different parts and components and the Lord was quick to ask me what I saw and what condition I thought it was in. He then asked what I could do to improve my earthly heart and make changes. What I noted and loved the most was that He was excited about the good positive things, what I was doing right and where I had earned a gold star!

Next-up was my mental heart. Fascinating to me was that it looked just like the physical heart, but the coloring was a milky white with tinges of red and pink. He asked me the same questions, and we repeated the same previous exercise.

My favorite heart was the last….Spiritual! It also looked like a physical earthly heart, but instead of being red or milky white, it glowed with a brilliant radiant white light from within. Wow! I guess this might be a small portrait of what it looks like to have the living God inside of us!… So glorious and absolutely beautiful! There were also flecks and trails of gold dust that gravitated and floated around this 3rd heart. I love how the book of Revelation reveals that heaven’s streets are made of gold— move over dust of the earth.  Gold was always God’s intention.  

Perfect Love

Pure Love

Severs and divides 

Dark hidden areas that the True Light

Comes to expose

To the day

To the sun (Son)

Promoting Healing and Life

I am so thankful for the Godhead and their hearts! I am so glad that Father God sent his only Son, that Jesus said yes and the Holy Spirit resides in me in ways I could have never asked for, thought of or Imagined! Overall, I think I received a pretty good report card of my 3 hearts. 

I still have multiple things to work on, but because of Jesus` heart, His great love and that He so deeply cares for us, I want to lean in even more….. And I get so excited as I think about our journey, and stepping out with Him for 2023!

Hearts that Align Are Always Right on Time…. Happy New Year!!

“JESUS and ME” by Tina G.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Vicky Palmer

    Well said Tina! I will be using your frame of “check-up” in my devotional time for the remainder of the month. I want to be sure that I have asked, listened, and prepared my mind to follow the care regiment designed by our great God. Thank you for helping me step toward His alignment for my three hearts!

  2. Tina Gonzalez

    Thanks Vicky, I am so glad that our Amazing Lord cares so deeply for us and wants to be intimately involved in everything we do….thanks for sharing! 💖

  3. abbey shannon

    well said Tina

  4. Tina Gonzalez

    Thank you Ms. Abbey Shannon..🗡👑💖

  5. Penny

    So profound Tina!! I always thought it was so amazing how a person can take in so much from the world around them!! Yet everyone receives the exact thing so differently. And it’s because of what stage their hearts are on!! Thank you for sharing this ❤️

  6. Tina Gonzalez

    Wow! Well said Penny!….Isn’t it amazing how our God is so quick to show-up no matter where we are and then steps-in with arms wide open and says “Let me help you…Let’s do this together!” Love it!! 🥰

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