“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
A few days ago, I was asked to write a short message reflecting the past school year spent with one of our Trinity Christian School children. The book the parent left to write in was Dr. Seuss,
” Oh The Places You’ll Go!” This child and his family hold a special place in my heart and it took me a little while ( and some prayer) to put the right words into this precious little one’s book. As I finished and laid the book down, I thought……What will his journey look like as he travels from grade to grade, meeting new people, experiencing new places and journeying with Jesus? Is it going to be Blessed and Amazing?………. Oh You Bet It Is!!
As I reflect on my own personal journey through beauty and rain – happy and sad – glorious mountain peaks and vast valley floors, I can certainly recollect His faithfulness and His undying Love. And when I think about where I am now and moving forward, I know its going to be more than I asked for, full of surprises and beautiful plans for a Hope and a Future. So….No I could certainly not of done it without Him!!

As I journey with my God
Walking hand in hand with our Creator
Staying in Step
Staying in Tune
Making Him my Savior, King and Lord!Not of some of my days or even most….
But of each and everyone!
Because I have found that I cannot do without Him,
And honestly said, I don’t even want to try
Like a tree being pinned to the ground
With no luscious flowing branches
No colorful birds
No singing
No chirping their most beautiful and lovely songs
How bout eyes without sight or ears without sound?
And I’m just getting started!
And that is a really good thing…….
Because the Master of the Universe meant for you and I
To personally walk with Him through trials
To catch us through all of Life’s Ups and Downs!
And that’s the most marvelous surprise!
Jesus gave His life for yours, for your friends and mine
To go to all the places
To explore new things
To encounter new faces
And the greatest key for you and me,
Is who we invite to join us!
There is joy in the journey as we surrender our steps and all the places we have left to go. How bout you my wonderful friend? What about your journey? Is He the start – end – or middle of your day? Personally for me, when I near the end of my earthly book and all the places I have gone and been, its going to be my favorite part. As I launch into a new journey and the beginning of eternity, spending forever with my Perfect Love, my Blessed Hope and my Forever Family in Heavens Glorious Home!
And I Just Can’t Even Imagine,
As I Begin to Try and Think………… ” OH THE NEW PLACES YOU and I WILL GO! ”