Stop The Double Talk by Gloria Toti


The new year is upon us, and I recommend we all give ourselves a check-up from the neck up…and then let’s all evict some thoughts and words that don’t serve us well. 

Before we get too far into the 2024 lane, I want you to consider these two questions:

Are you over-functioning to try to get someone else’s approval? 

Are you trying to find your worth in someone else?  

If you were to ask me why those two questions matter, you probably don’t know that I was as fake as a human as one could be – “a true knockoff of a human being.”  I lived in a world of pretension, and I became a fake happy person.  

I lived in the tension of a world that sounded like this: if they are okay with me, I am okay with me.”  

I don’t know how this crazy stuff happens.  

How did I lose myself?  How did you lose yourself?  

Why were we so concerned with everyone else at the expense ourselves?  

Those are million-dollar questions, and I think we should reflect upon what is going on.

Are we mixing up our deep-seated desires to please God, but instead find ourselves trying to please those around us?…and the harder we try the more disappointed we become?  

This year, remember these words:  you are inherently and eternally valuable – you don’t have to earn your worth.

I Peter 1:18 reminds us of our worth:  

 “Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold … but with the precious blood of Christ.” 

God was willing to pay the highest price in the universe to redeem you and me—the blood of His dear Son.  Let’s live to please Him instead in this new year.

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