For Or With by Gloria Toti


Friends, last week we talked about living this Christian life on our own strength which Christy called living FOR God.

God’s design for us was living this life WITH Him.  

I don’t believe our hearts in the wrong place when we enter this lane, it feels so natural.  We want to step in and tell others about the God who changed our life.  We want to make him known because the great commission which is found in Matthew 28 lives deep within our souls, but so so LOVING GOD AND GETTING TO KNOW HIM.  

So the enemy is clever.  He tries to get us so busy living for God we don’t take the time to get to know Him.  Many of us are stuck or non-confident because we believe the wrong story about our lives.  

Friends, confidence is found in the presence of God.  We have to allow God to do His job, and we then will be released to be everything He has called to be…BE-LOVED.  

We humans cannot do God’s job.  THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE 

If we are waiting to serve God when things are perfect in our lives or when we are mature enough you are wasting time—OR maybe you are thinking, I will start loving him more when I know more of my Bible.  Friend, stop those thoughts.  Those thoughts are not your friends.  

We heard Christy say, her 9 year old mini van became her sanctuary.  She wrote many songs from that platform.  Things were not perfect. They were messy and yet there were divine.  She was connecting with Him in her daily routine.   You can too.  

You all I started serving God by telling others God would change their lives like He had just changed mine, and I didn’t have one scripture memorized.  I didn’t know any of the Bible stories except the story of Moses and the parting of the Red sea.  Thanks to the Easter movie that aired on TV when we were young.  

I walked away Friday evening thanking God He had shown me how to love Him in the mundane of my young Christian life.  That’s all I had.  That’s all I could offer Him.  The Word of God became the manual for life. I found in the pages.  

The stories of all of the bible people were profound, (yes, that’s what I called them back then) they helped me see Him and I served him in the mundane.  That’s all I had to offer.  I didn’t have a talent I was stewarding as a young Christian.  All I had was a love for God.  I was on a quest to know him.  Friends, it works.

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