The Cross Changed It All by Gloria Toti

When Jesus asks creation – how did I change your life?  What do you say?


Do you ever wonder why God made you? Well today, let’s get something clear. He made you for himself. You are not just floating around earth amongst 7.8 billion people. There’s a reason for your life. He called you into life that is to be lived on purpose with him. As we get ready to celebrate Easter once again, we remember that he was the down payment of eternity sent to this world.

He died for all of humanity. He died for every sin we’d ever commit. It’s amazing what happens to our minds when we take the time to say it this way thoug – my sins actually put him on that cross. He suffered for me. He suffered for you to have a way to make it through this maze of this crazy fallen world we find ourselves living in.

Do you ever wonder why he did it? Why he didn’t give up? It’s called love. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how deep and how wide this grace is. This thought that could make us lose our mind if we try to explain it. I just accept it, and I tell him thanks every chance I get. I love thinking how God must be looking forward to see his plan come full circle

as in spending eternity with all of us who said yes to this grace in order to trust him while living on this broken planet. Think about it – in eternity, we become God’s inheritance. It’s uniquely defined how we all have our relationship with God. Think about it. No one worships the same way you worship. Although we might be singing the same song,

we’re all bringing our expression uniquely to him – in unique ways -with our own unique voices. We lean into our own unique thought process of what those words actually mean to us. Sometimes we weep. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we surrender. Sometimes we just give Him stuff. It’s Epic. We each have our own private devotions, and the God of the universe hears us and listens to each of us.

It’s mind blowing I know. So here’s the question of questions he asks creation every single day. What difference have I made in your life since you believed? I want to tell you that the resurrection of Christ changed my thinking, and he wants to do the same for you. He wants to change our behavior, our conduct, our conversations, and

the way we treat each other. This Easter, pray this prayer over your life and repeat it often. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, give to me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened, that I might know what is the hope of the calling of the riches of the glory,

of his inheritance in the saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards me who believes. According to the working of his mighty power, which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead. Happy Easter my friends. The next time God asks, what difference have I made in your life? What do you want to tell him?


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