I’ve never had anyone ask me to pray for them because they have too many friends, and they don’t need anymore.
I actually think we all need more friends. Real friends!
I love how Lisa Bevere tells us that Goddaughters are all around us, and they are not trying to hide in plain sight – they actually want to be noticed. They actually long for connection. I remember that messy season like it was yesterday. Loneliness, confusion and discouragement became my Godmother of sorts. I ached for people in my life because deep down my soul knew I was made to do life with others. Yet, I had no real friends. Acquaintances no longer seemed to be enough. Superficial life as I knew became tedious and extremely boring.
Deep down, I knew I was missing the mark, but I still didn’t know what to do about it or how to fix it.
Today, I can clearly see how we all need people in our lives who encourage us. No one can journey through life alone. It’s not God’s design. Where is your life right now? It is messy like my life was years ago?
Discouragement was the master of my world. I woke up with it and went down each night only to wake up and repeat the awful cycle. I didn’t have anyone in my corner that stopped long enough to see how miserable I was. Life will about to swallow me up, and I didn’t know what to do about it.
Today, I see discouragement and loneliness reaching new levels all around me, and my heart breaks. Life seems to be spinning faster and faster and people seem to get more disjointed from the things that bring true fulfillment, and instead grasp at things that will only invite more brokenness.
We launched a group two weeks ago for young girls in their teens and 20’s called Godmothers. My team and I want to be intentional in connecting with the next generation because I believe they want to be seen and known. I believe they actually hope someone sees them. Many are desperately desiring to find a place that feels safe away from the noise of the world and the noise of their own thoughts.
As Lisa says, “Sometimes the scariest thing is admitting that there is a gap that you don’t know how to fill.”
You don’t have to try to figure things out on your own. You just have to let others into those gaps, and we can figure things out together.
I long to tell others that we don’t have to be frozen by confusion any longer. We can do something about it. Let’s be willing to leave our old patterns behind and believe God for new friends to be added to our lives.
What I didn’t know then, and I do today. Growth always involves a good dose of risk. Who wants to help me have the eyes of Christ for this generation of girls who long for advice, prayer, time, encouragement, or a spiritual friend —a Godmother.
Visit the connection tab and register to come out of hiding and let’s be a friend to others.
you know i feel alone always..and i feel i have no friends…i mean people say they are my friend but honestly its not..
Is it possible for my 16 yr old daughter to join? Her name is Celeste. I just had a knee replacement this week and ACL on the other knee 3 weeks ago. I’m doing better but I can’t drive. She can drive if it’s face to face. But I think this would be great for her 🥰
Yes ma’am. We would love to have her come to our group. We also have another one on Sunday nights geared for her age group as well. That’s at 6 pm. I hope you experience a speedy recovery. We can’t wait until you can join us as well. Blessings
Sweet BeLinda, I hear your pain and know how awful loneliness is. I’m praying for God to lead you to a job where you are free to connect with us. So many relationships have been formed from gathering and learning what the Word of God says. Praying for your heart to know that God loves you and there are sisters who love you and welcome you in our circle.