The Domino Effect by Tammy Barber
The domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect generated when a particular event triggers a chain of similar events. This is often an analogy for a falling row…
The domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect generated when a particular event triggers a chain of similar events. This is often an analogy for a falling row…
Last week, we talked about soul care – the thing that most of us are not good at. Many of us have heard the phrase “pulling yourself up by…
Have you ever intentionally blessed someone – besides when they sneezed? While it is deeply rooted biblically, it is often overlooked in our Western culture. Truth is – we are…
What would you say the most important lesson you have learned in your walk with God? I gave my life to Jesus at a very young age and enjoyed a…
Are you the type of person who loves being the center of attention?—or are you the kind of person who hides from any type of attention being placed…
Let 2023 be the year of picking up dropped dreams or opening our hands to receive new ones. We all know it is God alone who gives His people…
(1 Thessalonians 5:23) May the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your Spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our…
My heart is exploding with so many emotions over the news of my younger son and his beautiful wife, Dr. Toti, telling us they’re expecting a baby. JT and…
It’s not about a New Year’s resolution. It is about a renewal! A new year often entices us to make changes and strike out on a quest to reform ourselves…
From what we saw last week, Mary was busy planning her wedding to Joseph and all along she was also making plans to attend the WEDDING of WEDDINGS mentioned…